Must have toolbox for Android Wear operation system. Get an alert when watch disconnects from phone with the alert app. Locate your phone with the phone finder app when cell phone is out of sight. More tools will be added soon. Download now for free. To start phone finder. Just say: OK Google...Start phone finder.
Get more apps, games & news with "Android Wear Center": <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Please note:
-Make sure your mobile is compatible with Android Wear.
-Make sure to pair your phone with the wearable device with help of the Android Wear App.
-To open: Go to "Start..." and open the app "Phone Finder" or say "Start phone finder"
Do you have any suggestions for improvement? Any ideas? Any issues with the app? Please let us know.
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">必须工具箱为Android磨损操作系统。得到警报时,从手表手机断开与该警报的应用程序。找到你的手机与手机取景器的应用程序时,手机是淡出人们的视线。更多的工具,我们会尽快添加。立即下载免费的。要启动手机取景器。只是说:OK ...谷歌手机开始取景器。
得到更多的应用程序,游戏和以“机器人服中心”的消息:<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
- 确保您的手机是Android的磨损兼容。
- 确保与Android的应用程序磨损的帮助下与手机配对的可穿戴设备。
- 要打开:打开“开始...”,打开应用程序的“手机搜索”,或说“开始的手机取景器”
你有任何改进的建议?任何想法?与应用程序的任何问题?请让我们知道。</div> <div class="show-more-end">